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So far afladmin has created 84 blog entries.
18 08, 2021

Demystifying Spoken French


Les Français utilisent de manière informelle certaines expressions qui peuvent rendre la compréhension difficile... Après avoir lu cet article, le Français parlé n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous!   The French informally use certain expressions which can make understanding spoken French difficult.  After reading this article, spoken French will seem far less mysterious to you!   To read, click here: https://www.lefigaro.fr/langue-francaise/expressions-francaises/du-coup-genre-j-avoue-ces-tics-de-langage-qui-polluent-nos-phrases-20210726

Demystifying Spoken French2021-08-18T11:08:06+00:00
22 06, 2021

Le Défi Inter-AF | Inter-AF Challenge


The Inter-AF Challenge is a quiz about French culture. It is a friendly competition in French between several Alliances Françaises which offer their learners the opportunity to meet virtually and to challenge each other around issues related to French culture (geography, art, music, cinema, etc.). The competition is free and open to all learners from participating AFs, from [...]

Le Défi Inter-AF | Inter-AF Challenge2021-10-05T08:30:34+00:00
1 06, 2021

Pre-Junior Cert & Pre-Leaving Cert Online French Courses


Junior and Leaving Cert Revision Courses Monday 14 June - Friday 18 June. Feeling like you've lost your confidence in French? We're here to help. This month, Alliance Française de Limerick is offering five day revision courses for Junior and Leaving Certificate students. Both courses will run from Monday 14 June to Friday 18 June. The courses are three hours in [...]

Pre-Junior Cert & Pre-Leaving Cert Online French Courses2021-10-05T08:30:50+00:00
29 05, 2021

Très Court International Film Festival at Alliance Française de Limerick


ACCESS CODE: TC-LIMERICK LINK TO TRÈS COURT: https://trescourt.com/en/limerick Alliance Française de Limerick is delighted to be partnering with the Très Court International Film Festival 2021. The festival will be held online this year, so you can watch the "very short" films from the comfort of your own home! The festival will take place from June 4 to June 13. To watch [...]

Très Court International Film Festival at Alliance Française de Limerick2021-10-05T08:31:17+00:00
21 05, 2021

May Book Club: Le Silence de la mer


This month our Book Club is reading Le Silence de la mer, a novel written by Jean Bruller under the pseudonym Vercors. Bill, who will be leading the discussion about the book on Thursday 27 May over Zoom, gives some insight into the book’s author and origins: “Sous l’Occupation, Jean Bruller (1902-1991) prit le pseudonyme de Vercors pour faire circuler [...]

May Book Club: Le Silence de la mer2021-10-05T08:31:29+00:00
4 05, 2021

Colette, The Oscar-Winning French Film


French film "Colette" has won the Oscar for best documentary short at the 93rd Academy Awards in Los Angeles. This week, discover more about this former Résistance fighter and her visit to the concentration camp where her brother died during WW2. Read the article here: https://madame.lefigaro.fr/celebrites/video-documentaire-colette-prime-aux-oscars-270421-196307

Colette, The Oscar-Winning French Film2021-05-04T10:49:19+00:00
26 04, 2021

Free Online Screening: Le Mystère Henri Pick – Irish Premiere


To celebrate La Fête de la Bretagne 2021, we are delighted to present the Irish Premiere of ‘The Mystery of Henry Pick’ by Rémi Bezançon, an entertaining comedy filmed in Brittany, adapted from David Foenkinos' eponymous novel and featuring Camille Cottin (Call My Agent) and Fabrice Luchini. In a bizarre Breton library that collects rejected, never published manuscripts, a young [...]

Free Online Screening: Le Mystère Henri Pick – Irish Premiere2021-08-16T11:15:19+00:00
26 04, 2021

Book Club: Le Petit Prince


Our brand new book club is taking place this Thursday the 29th. The book is a French classic, Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Bill will be leading the discussion about the book over Zoom. It’s not too late to join, click the button below to register, or email Delphine at bonjour@aflimerick.org. REGISTER HERE

Book Club: Le Petit Prince2021-08-16T11:16:09+00:00
26 04, 2021

A Look At How The French Drank During Lockdown


Delphine's French article pick of the week is this article from BFM Business about how French people's wine consumption changed over the course of lockdown. To read, click here: https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/consommation/rouge-blanc-rose-champagne-ce-que-les-francais-ont-bu-pendant-le-confinement_AN-202103260060.html   Image credit: ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT

A Look At How The French Drank During Lockdown2021-04-26T10:11:18+00:00
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