Alliance Française de Limerick is delighted to be partnering with the Très Court International Film Festival 2021. The festival will be held online this year, so you can watch the “very short” films from the comfort of your own home!
The festival will take place from June 4 to June 13. To watch the films, click the link below, which will take you to the Très Court website. Then enter the code TC-LIMERICK to get access. Access is only available June 4 to June 13.
Click here to get access to the films:
If you have any problems with getting access, please email us at
A bit about the festival:
A “Très Court” is a 4 minutes max short movie. All kinds are represented: fiction, animation, documentary, music video, video blog…
It’s a movie format expending strongly, on TV and particularly on the net. It’s now common to use tablet computers or mobile phones to watch these very short videos.
Très Court International Film Festival is an event without borders, with screenings during 10 days simultaneously in nearly 70 cities in France and over 20 other countries.
The major program of the festival is the international competition. Forty films of less than 4 minutes representing the best and especially the shorter of the global audiovisual production year are presented each year.
Finally, a few words from the President of Alliance Française de Limerick, Eileen O’Connor, introducing the festival: