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So far afladmin has created 84 blog entries.
7 02, 2022

February Mid-Term Leaving Certificate Revision Course


Leaving Certificate Students Get ready for your French exam with our Mid-Term Revision Course! Alliance Francaise de Limerick is running a 5-day Revision course this Mid-Term to help you get up to speed with all aspects of the French paper: Reading, Writing, Aural, Oral and Grammar. 21st-25th February- 10 am to 2.30 pm 20 hours - €250 Location: Alliance Francaise [...]

February Mid-Term Leaving Certificate Revision Course2022-02-25T14:26:24+00:00
28 01, 2022



Our monthly ciné-club starts again in The Commercial (Catherine Street) for a special Chandeleur night! This month, we are showing "Love Affair(s)" (Les choses qu'on dit, les choses qu'on fait) by Emmanuel Mouret (with English subtitles). Sebastien Ridoux from Bon Appétit will be with us to make some crêpes before the movie. Join us on Wednesday 2nd February at 7.30 [...]

FEBRUARY CINE-CLUB2022-02-07T11:26:43+00:00
9 12, 2021

Three-day Leaving Certificate Online Revision Course


 Leaving Certificate Online Revision Course Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th December. Leaving Certificate students- Get ready for your Mock Exams! . ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE LIMERICK is offering a THREE-DAY REVISION COURSE to help you get ready for the Mocks, with focus on the Reading, Writing and Aural aspects of the exam. This course is twelve hours in duration, not including a 30-minute [...]

Three-day Leaving Certificate Online Revision Course2022-01-05T11:54:06+00:00
8 11, 2021



The movie for our monthly Ciné-Club is "Un Divan à Tunis"/ "Arab Blues". Join us on Wednesday 1st December from 8 pm at The Commercial, 46-47 Catherine Street, Limerick, to watch this delightful comedy about a young psychologist who, after years abroad in Paris, returns to Tunis with the dream of opening up her own psychotherapy practice. Tickets: €5 at [...]

DECEMBER CINE-CLUB2021-12-09T09:42:44+00:00
3 11, 2021

Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Tasting Evening- 18th November 2021


As the new Beaujolais Nouveau is released to the world... join us from 8 pm in the beautiful No.1 Pery Square Hotel & Spa for a great wine-tasting night, with finger food and musicians! Wine and food included in the price (€12). To book, please e-mail bonjour@aflimerick.org

Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Tasting Evening- 18th November 20212021-11-19T10:54:28+00:00
12 10, 2021

Leaving Certificate Mid-Term Revision Course


This month, Alliance Française de Limerick is offering a 2-day Mid-Term revision workshop. This course will run on October 26th and 27th, from 10 am to 2.30 pm. Now is the time to get off to a good start in French! For any queries, please e-mail Delphine at bonjour@aflimerick.org or phone 061-414 818.

Leaving Certificate Mid-Term Revision Course2021-11-03T12:02:03+00:00
6 10, 2021

November Book Club


Join Bill on Thursday 18th November at 1.15 pm for our Lunchtime Book Club at 7 Pery Square. This month, the Club will continue discussing "C'est ça la France" (Frédéric Hermel) If you would like to register for the Book Club, please contact Delphine at bonjour@aflimerick.org or phone 061-414 818

November Book Club2021-11-19T10:55:11+00:00
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