4 05, 2021

Colette, The Oscar-Winning French Film


French film "Colette" has won the Oscar for best documentary short at the 93rd Academy Awards in Los Angeles. This week, discover more about this former Résistance fighter and her visit to the concentration camp where her brother died during WW2. Read the article here: https://madame.lefigaro.fr/celebrites/video-documentaire-colette-prime-aux-oscars-270421-196307

Colette, The Oscar-Winning French Film2021-05-04T10:49:19+00:00
26 04, 2021

A Look At How The French Drank During Lockdown


Delphine's French article pick of the week is this article from BFM Business about how French people's wine consumption changed over the course of lockdown. To read, click here: https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/consommation/rouge-blanc-rose-champagne-ce-que-les-francais-ont-bu-pendant-le-confinement_AN-202103260060.html   Image credit: ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT

A Look At How The French Drank During Lockdown2021-04-26T10:11:18+00:00
15 04, 2021

A List of France’s Most Iconic Places


Let’s escape with this list of France’s most iconic places - to be seen at least once! Évadons-nous un peu avec ce Tour de France des endroits à voir absolument au moins une fois! Check out the article below from Vogue France: https://www.vogue.fr/lifestyle/article/30-lieux-iconiques-a-voir-au-moins-une-fois-dans-sa-vie-en-france   Photo Credit: Julian Elliott Photography

A List of France’s Most Iconic Places2021-04-15T11:19:27+00:00
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